Krishni Burns, PhD
Senior Lecturer of Latin
Classics and Mediterranean Studies
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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1804 UH
601 S. Morgan St.
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Krishni Burns is a Lecturer at the University of Illinois at Chicago, US. Her main areas of study are ancient religion and the lives of women in Republican Rome, as well as the expression of classical myth in children’s popular culture. Her current book project is Bringing Their Mother Home: Roman Multiculturalism and the Mother of the Gods.
She is a participant in the European Research Council project Our Mythical Childhood, and an active member of the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance (CAMP). In addition, she is the PI on the SCS's public outreach project Calliope's Library: Books for Young Readers.
Professional Leadership
Chair, Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance (CAMP) of the Society for Classical Studies. 2020- 2022
Classics and Social Justice, Subgroup on Mental Health, Disabilities, and Chronic Illness, Affiliated with the Society for Classical Studies. 2017-Present
History Committee, Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS). 2020-2023
Ph.D. in Classics from State University of New York at Buffalo. Dissertation: The Magna Mater Romana: A Sociocultural Study of the Cult of the Magna Mater in Republican Rome. (2015)
Professional Memberships
- Society for Classical Studies (SCS), formerly the American Philological Association
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
- Women’s Classical Caucus (WCC)
- Lambda Classical Caucus (LCC)
- Classical Association of the Midwest and South (CAMWS)
Research Currently in Progress
Monograph in progress
The Magna Mater Romana: A Sociocultural Study of the Cult of the Magna Mater in Republican Rome
Articles and Book Chapters
“Leaders of Men and Sacrificial Daughters.” Screening Love and War in TROY: FALL OF A CITY. Eds. Monica S. Cyrino and Antony Augoustakis. Bloomsbury Publishing. Publication date TBA
“Spectacular Colonialism: Naumachia in Children of Blood and Bone.” In Our Mythical History: Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to the Heritage of Ancient Greece and Rome. Ed. Katarzyna Marciniak. Brill. Publication date TBA