Zinon Papakonstantinou, PhD
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Classics and Mediterranean Studies
Building & Room:
1818 UH
601 S. Morgan St.
Office Phone:
CV Download:
Areas of Research and Publication:
Ancient Greek social and cultural history; Greek epigraphy; Greek literature; Classical Reception
Courses recently taught:
- The Ancient World: Greece (HIST/CL 202)
- The Ancient World: Rome (HIST/CL 203)
- Athenian Democracy and Society in the Age of Aristophanes (CL/HIST 408)
- Sport in the Ancient World (HIST/CL 209)
- Mediterranean Traditions: Family, Society and the Divine (CL 104)
- Greek Civilization (CL 100)
Selected Publications
- Cursing for Justice: Magic, Disputes, and the Lawcourts in Classical Athens, Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart, 2021.
- Sport and Identity in Ancient Greece, Routledge: London 2019.
- Sport, Bodily Culture and Classical Antiquity in Modern Greece (co-edited with Eleni Fournaraki), Routledge: London 2011.
- Sport in the Cultures of the Ancient World. New Perspectives (editor), Routledge: London, 2010.
- Lawmaking and Adjudication in Archaic Greece, Duckworth: London, 2008.
Recent Articles and Chapters (since 2015; for a complete list see CV link above)
- “Sport and Games” forthcoming in J. Toner (ed.), A Cultural History of Leisure in Antiquity, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
- “Greek Sport: Conflict and Accommodation” forthcoming in Paul Christesen and Charles Stocking (eds), A Cultural History of Sport in Antiquity, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
- “Work and Leisure” in E. Lytle (ed.) A Cultural History of Work in Antiquity, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, 159-172.
- “Disputes, Magic and the Athenian Navy”, forthcoming in B. Biscotti (ed.) Studi in onore Alberto Maffi, Turin, 2019, 121-132.
- “Athletics, Memory and Community in Hellenistic and Roman Messene” Bulletin of the Institute for Classical Studies1 (2018), 64-78.
- “Magic in Ancient Athens: A Complete Translation of Attic Curse Tablets” (with Ted Gellar-Goad and Werner Riess) in W. Riess (ed.), Colloquia Attica: Neuere Forschungen zur Archaik, zum athenischen Recht und zur Magie, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2018, 261-276.
- “Athletics, Elites and the State in Late Archaic Athens” in W. Riess (ed.), Colloquia Attica: Neuere Forschungen zur Archaik, zum athenischen Recht und zur Magie, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2018, 81-95.
- “Six Legal Curse Tablets from Athens” (with J. Curbera) in W. Riess (ed.), Colloquia Attica: Neuere Forschungen zur Archaik, zum athenischen Recht und zur Magie, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2018, 211-224.
- “Jurors (dikastai) in Athenian Legal Binding Curses” in W. Riess (ed.), Colloquia Attica: Neuere Forschungen zur Archaik, zum athenischen Recht und zur Magie, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2018, 225-235.
- “Binding Curses, Agency and the Athenian Democracy” in I. Xydopoulos, E. Tounta and K. Vlassopoulos (eds), Violence and Community: Law, Space and Identity in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean World, London: Routledge, 2017, 142-158.
- “The Hellenistic Finances, Ideology, Identities” in C. Mann, S. Remijsen and S. Scharff (eds) Athletics in the Hellenistic World, Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2016, 95-112.
- “Match Fixing and Victory in Greek Sport” Rheinisches Museum1 (2016), 13-27.
- “Ancient Sport Annual Bibliography: 2014 and 2015” (with Sofie Remijsen), forthcoming in Nikephoros28 (2015).
- “Spectator-Athlete Interaction in Ancient Greek Athletics” in B. Takmer, E. Akdoğu Arca and N. Gökalp Özdil (eds), Vir doctus anatolicus. Studies in Memory of Sencer Şahin, Istanbul: Kabalci Yayınevi, 2015, 797-805.
Notable Honors
2019-2022, Mercator Fellow, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - University of Mannheim, Germany.
2013-2016, Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (Forschungsstipendium für erfahrene Wissenschaftler), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - University of Hamburg, Germany.
BA, Crete
MA, Cincinnati
MPhil, Cambridge
PhD, Washington