John Vaio, PhD
Professor Emeritus (In Memoriam)
Classics and Mediterranean Studies
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Areas of Research and Publication:
Greek comedy (esp. Aristophanes); the Aesopic fables (Babrius); the history of classical scholarship in the 19th century.
Selected Publications
The Mythiambi of Babrius: Notes on the Constitution of the Text. (Olms-Weidmann, 2001) lvi/176 pp.
Teaching the English Wissenschaft: The Letters of Sir George Cornewall Lewis to Karl Otfried Müller, ed. With commentary in collaboration with W.M. Calder III and R.S. Smith (Olms-Weidmann, 2002) xxvi/120 pp.
“Babrius,” in the Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 176 (Detroit/Washington DC/London, 1997) 85-88
“Ben Edwin Perry” and “Alexander Turyn,” in American National Biography, (NY/Oxford, 1999), vol. 17 (pp. 361f), vol. 22 (pp. 42f)
BA, Columbia
BA, MA, Oxford
PhD, Columbia