Fall 2023 Course Descriptions
This is an unofficial list of courses that will be offered in Classics and Mediterranean Studies in Fall 2023. It is strictly for the use of expanded course descriptions. For the complete official course offerings, please consult the My.UIC portal.
For a list of all courses and general course descriptions, please see the UIC Academic Catalog.
Fall 2023 Courses in Art and Archaeology, Culture, and Literature (all taught in English) Heading link

CL 101 Roman Civilization. MWF 3:00-3:50. On campus. Ros.
What did a Roman eat for breakfast? How did he put on his toga? What did a Roman home look like? How did gladiators fight — and why did so many survive? Everything you always wanted to know about ancient Rome but were afraid to ask! This class incorporates archaeology, art, literature, and history to create a complete picture of ancient Roman life.
Past course.
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CL 102 Introduction to Classical Literature. MWF 2:00-2:50. On campus. Ros.
Follow the adventures of Odysseus and Aeneas, suffer along with tragic heroes and heroines, laugh out loud at sexy Greek comedy, and relive the trial of Socrates as we explore important literary forms from Classical antiquity, including epic, tragedy, comedy, and philosophy. Includes works by Homer, Vergil, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Plato. All readings are in English.
Creative Arts, and Past course.
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GKM 105 Modern Greek Culture. TR 12:30-1:45. Online synchronous.
This course is an exploration of multiple aspects of Modern Greek culture. Some questions that the course will address are:
-How does Modern Greece compare to its idealized ancient version?
-How did Greece evolve over the centuries? What influenced this evolution?
-How are current affairs like gender, diversity and minority issues handled in Greece?
-What is the current situation of refugees and immigrants in Greece?
-What are some Greek customs and cultural elements (e.g., festivals, language, religion, music, dance, food, etc.)?
World Cultures course.
CL 201/LING 201 Medical Terminologies: Ancient Roots in Modern Medicine. T 8:00-9:15. Hybrid (On campus and online). Meets in person T (8:00-9:15) with additional asynchronous components each week. Burns.
If you know what laparohysterosalpingooophorectomy means, then you have probably taken this course. A ‘must’ for those entering the medical and related professions. This course is also very helpful to MCAT and PCAT candidates.
Prerequisites: Any 100-level biological sciences sequence.
CL202/HIST 202 Ancient Greece. TR 2:00-3:15. Hybrid (On campus and online). Papakonstantinou.
Ancient Greece developed a complex and fascinating culture that still has an impact and relevance in our world. In this introductory course we will approach Greek history and civilization from the viewpoint of the Greeks themselves. Following a brief historical overview, we will examine a wide array of topics including daily life, religion, women and children, the economy, food, sport, travel, magic and slavery. This examination of ancient Greece will be placed in a wider Mediterranean context. We will be drawing parallels with other ancient Mediterranean cultures, and we will try to understand the interaction of ancient Greece with these cultures. No prior knowledge of ancient history is necessary.
Past course.
CL 204/HIST 204/AH 204 Greek Art and Archaeology. MWF 12:00-12:50. On campus. Ros.
Experience “the Glory that was Greece!” Visit the Palace of King Minos, legendary home of the bloodthirsty Minotaur. Tour the Parthenon, most perfect of all Greek temples. Examine Greek vases for tantalizing glimpses of daily life and the world of Greek myth. Explore the range of Greek sculpture from the sublime works of the High Classical Period to the surprising and sometimes brutal diversity of Hellenistic sculpture — highlights include a beat-up boxer and a sexy Aphrodite who is more than a match for a randy Pan. The course is a survey of ancient Greek art and architecture in its historical and cultural context, from the Bronze Age through the Hellenistic Period. 3 credit hours, no prerequisites.
Creative Arts, and Past course.
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CL 208/RELS 208 Classical Mythology. TR 9:30-10:45. On campus. Kim.
Gods, heroes, and monsters…the classical myths of the ancient Mediterranean world are timeless stories that continue to inspire and entertain children and adults alike and have spawned the likes of Disney’s Hercules, Brad Pitt’s Achilles in Troy, and Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series. This course is a deep dive into the original sources—including works by Hesiod and Homer, the Homeric Hymns, and representative works of art—and an intensive study of the historical, cultural, and religious contexts in which these stories developed. The course will study how scholars understand and explain mythology, and it will engage deeply with contemporary interpretations and receptions of the classical myths, such as Luis Alfaro’s Mojada and Madeline Miller’s Circe. Although every culture in the ancient world had its own mythological traditions, the focus in this course will be those of the Greeks.
Individual and Society, and Past course.
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ARAB 230 Arabic Literature in Translation. TR 12:30-1:45. On campus. Aburqayeq.
This course looks at the proliferation of Arabic fiction during the postcolonial era. We will use Edward Said’s statement that narratives “become the method colonized people use to assert their own identity and the existence of their own history” as a point of departure for illustrating how the discourses and ideologies of colonialism influenced the form and content of the modern Arabic fiction. The course will focus on themes of struggle, resistance, nationalism, migration, and gender equality. Along with exploring the evolving debates and histories of postcolonial literature, we will consider the relevance of “postcolonial theory” today, addressing Terry Eagleton’s question: “What kind of fresh thinking does the new era demand?”. Taught in English.
World Cultures course.
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GKM 296/HIST 296/POLS 296. Fascism and Dictatorship in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean. TR 9:30-10:45. On campus. Doumanis.
Establishment of fascist and authoritarian regimes in 20th-century Spain, Italy and Greece. Fascist ideology, leadership cult, mass politics, violence and propaganda, uses of antiquity, resistance and consent, legacy and memory of fascism. Course Information: Same as HIST 296 and POLS 296. Taught in English. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 161.
Past course.
CL 299 Independent Reading: Special Topics in Classics in Translation. Arranged. Burns.
CL 398 Advanced Topics in Classical Civilization. Arranged. Kim.
CL 405/HIST 405 Herodotus and His World. T 3:30-6:00. On campus and online. Papakonstantinou.
This course examines the wars between Greeks and Persians as well as other episodes in the social and cultural history of ancient Greece through the lively narrative of Herodotus. Themes to be explored include the battles of Marathon and Thermopylae (aka Leonidas of Sparta and his 300); the life and travels of legendary Athenian lawgiver Solon; the suitors’ contests for the hand of Agariste of Sicyon; and many more. No background in Classics or Ancient History necessary.
Fall 2023 Foreign Language Courses Heading link
Note: ARAB 101 and 103 sections will meet in person TWR and require additional asynchronous online work outside of class.
ARAB 101 Elementary Arabic I. TWR 9:00-9:50. Staff.
ARAB 101 Elementary Arabic I. TWR 10:00-10:50. Babiker.
ARAB 101 Elementary Arabic I. TWR 11:00-11:50. Aburqayeq.
ARAB 101 Elementary Arabic I. TWR 1:00-1:50. Staff.
ARAB 103 Intermediate Arabic I. TWR 10:00-10:50. Aburqayeq.
ARAB 103 Intermediate Arabic I. TWR 12:00-12:50. Staff.
ARAB 103 Intermediate Arabic I. MTWR 1:00-1:50. Babiker.
ARAB 201. Advanced Arabic Through Literature. TR 11:00-12:15. Aburqayeq. On campus.
ARAB 299 Independent Reading. Arranged. Babiker.
Modern Greek
Note: GKM 101 and 103 sections will meet in person TR and require additional asynchronous online work outside of class.
GKM 101 Elementary Modern Greek I. TR 10:00-10:50. Synchronous online.
GKM 103 Intermediate Modern Greek I. TR 11:00-11:50. Synchronous online.
LAT 101 Elementary Latin I. MTWR 11:00-11:50. Meet on campus. Burns.
LAT 103 Intermediate Latin I. MTWR 1:00-1:50. Meet on campus. Burns.
LAT 299 Independent Reading. Arranged. Burns.